Sunday, June 13, 2010

10K Training

I will run my first 10K race in Anchorage, Alaska on Saturday, August 7th. Back in Boston I used to run 8 and 10 milers just for the fun of it. But since moving to California, my running has become almost non existent. So, when I discovered the 10K race scheduled during my Alaskan vacation, I decided that it was a great excuse to start running again, seriously.

Yesterday was day one of my training. I had a rough plan and ran intervals for 3 miles up and down Magnolia street. In addition to CrossFit training, which claims to 'punish the specialist', I plan to wedge in several runs per week, maybe even on CrossFit training days. The morning Sean will run it with me.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Fitter Everyday

Today's wod was a lot of fun but it was also a lot of work.

Friday, June 4, 2010


We all have routines. Wake up, drink coffee, work out, eat breakfast, walk the dog, shower, write a blog post, and go to work. Sometimes we get out of our routines and at some point down the road realize that we haven't done something for a long time. I haven't been writing and I really miss it. So, here's my attempt at getting back into the routine or ritual of writing.

I CrossFitted only once this week. Monday. But I have been riding my bike to work everyday and I feel a little soreness in my thighs. I ride out at 8am and peddle down Barton Rd to Citrus. The morning air is cool and I feel free as a bird. At 8:10 I pass Redlands High school and continue down the open road where I bank a left onto University Drive at 8:15. A slight incline takes me past the School of Business and the main entrance, then I crank the gears and peddle down to the School of Education. At 8:20 I am the gates of work and I take the next 10 minutes to change, chug water, make tea and settle into work for the rest of the day.

The weather has been nice so far but next week it will be in the 90's, maybe even 100. I will still ride my bike to work because I love the thrill of it and every little extra bit of exercise keeps me feeling fit, especially when I don't go to CrossFit.