Saturday, July 17, 2010

When You Want Something So Badly, Just Do It!

In previous blogs I talked about leaving Boston, leaving behind my very active lifestyle and gaining 9 pounds due to my reduced activities. Eventually, I found CrossFit and have once again enjoyed the pain and pleasure of working out and sculpting a better body. Even with a good ass whooping from CrossFit, I still felt that I needed something more. As a certified Group Ride instructor, I missed the benefits of a great spin session. So, to satisfy my longing to ride, I finally gave in and joined a fitness club that offered a plethora of group classes, including spin. I felt like a kid going to Disney Land. I blew the dust off my spin shoes, packed my gym bag with a water bottle and a towel and drove to the gym for an ass whooping workout.

It was 102 degrees outside but the spin studio was a bit cooler and dim. After the instructor helped me adjust my bike, I clumsily clipped into the peddles and settled in for the ride. What joy to be riding high again, pushing against resistance, peddling hard and fast, drenching my towel with sweat, struggling for breath and halfway up the first hard climb wondering when this self induced torture will be over.

After an hour, the ride was finally over. I lowered the resistance to a slow and easy spin, sat up high on the seat, gulped the last of my water and waited for my breath to return to normal. Drenched in sweat, i unclipped and stretched my overworked muscles. I felt fulfilled, satiated and completely at peace. Walking back to my car I was already planning my next spin session.

Don't wait to do what you love because waiting will only make it harder. Find what you love to do and just do it!