Tuesday, April 20, 2010

There's No Crying in CrossFit!

I planned to workout at 9am today but my plans changed and I was forced to workout at 8am or not at all that day. I needed to workout, no more excuses! Except for my coach working in the office, I was alone with no team spirit to push me. After stretching, the warm up was two rounds of MFM (mastering foundations movements). Using a 22 lb bar do 10 of each movement; press, push press, dead lift, sumo deadlift high pull, back squat, front squat, overhead squat, clean and jerk, snatch.

22lb of push press, no problem but halfway through the squats I was feeling a tightness in my recovering hip and a weakness that forced me to exert a lot of energy just to stand up. I was building up heat and getting frustrated. Why was my hip still giving me trouble? I gritted my teeth and kept moving but with a lot of effort. My frustration turned into tears. No kidding! Real tears welled up in my eyes and I let the bar fall to the ground. I took a break and walked outside for fresh air and to collect myself. This is just a stinkin' warm up! Why am i suffering with it? I kicked my leg out a bit and returned to the 22lb bar. Ok, you can do this. The hip kept barking as i took the squats below parallel. I closed my eyes and pushed and cried through to the end of the warm up.

I gave myself five minutes of rest before starting the WOD. Row 500 meters, rest 3minutes. 5 rounds for time! Rowing is not my strongest activity. But I was ready to take it on. I strapped my feet into the rower and 3, 2, 1...go! The timer buzzed and I pulled hard. At 300 meters my pace slowed to 2:00/m and I was spent. I felt as if all the energy had left me but I pulled to 500 and then stopped to rest. I figured since I was working out alone, I would just row 2500 for time, taking rests whenever I needed. It turned out that I needed to rest every 200 to 300 meters. I broke it down into pieces and was able to finish the 2500 row in 25minutes.

I have to admit that there were moments where I simply wanted to give up, to get off the rower and just go home. But I stuck it out and now I have a new time to beat.

1 comment:

  1. ...because there is no quitting in CrossFit! Glad you gritted thru Girl CrossFit!
