Friday, March 11, 2011

Wonder Woman vs. Reality

I've often asked myself, why do we do the things we do? But more curiously why do we stop doing the things we used to do? Behavior becomes a pattern woven into the fabric that covers the bed of our history.

Girl, who in the earlier part of last year was strong into CrossFit, found herself this Friday afternoon after a 4o hour work week stepping onto a million dollar track and field course at her local university, training for her first-ever half marathon. With only four weeks to the start date, she forced herself to think about that training left to do. In truth, she just began her training. Crazy? Yes.

Impossible? Hmm?

My decision to run the 13.1 mile race was not based on reality. It was based on memories of the past and hopes for the future. Except for the long hikes with the dogs in the hills behind my apartment

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